Halise Arslan Special Education and Rehabilitation Center
- With our expert staff in our center, it is aimed to increase the independence of individuals in need of special education and rehabilitation in their self-care and daily life activities, to develop their social communication skills and to harmonize the individual with their environment.
Our Support Training Programs
- Pervasive Developmental Disorders (D.E.P)
- Mentally Disabled Individuals (D.E.P)
- Individuals with Physical Disabilities (D.E.P)
- Language and Speech Difficulties (D.E.P)
- Specific Learning Disability (D.E.P)
- Hearing Impaired Individuals (D.E.P)
- Risky Baby Tracking
- Play Therapy
- Developmental Assessment and Follow-up
- Sensory Integration
- Snoezelen (Darkroom) Tutorial
- Themed Group Training
- Individual Education
- Music and Rhythm Applications
- Dramatic Events
- Our Family Support Education Programs
Our Applied Event Programs
- Social Activity Area
- Practice House
- Play Therapy Room
- Sensory Integration Room
- Space Therapy Room
- Dark room